gepubliceerd op 02 oktober 2020

Bureau voor Normalisatie Registratie van Belgische normen 1. Overeenkomstig artikel 26 van het koninklijk besluit van 25 oktober 2004 betreffende de bekrachtiging en de registratie van de door het Bureau voor normalisatie openbaar gemaa(...) NBN EN 1175:2020 Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical/electronic requirements vervangt NB(...)

federale overheidsdienst economie, k.m.o., middenstand en energie
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Bureau voor Normalisatie (NBN) Registratie van Belgische normen 1. Overeenkomstig artikel 26 van het koninklijk besluit van 25 oktober 2004Relevante gevonden documenten type koninklijk besluit prom. 25/10/2004 pub. 09/11/2004 numac 2004011453 bron federale overheidsdienst economie, k.m.o., middenstand en energie Koninklijk besluit betreffende de uitvoeringsmodaliteiten van de normalisatieprogramma's evenals de bekrachtiging of registratie van normen sluiten betreffende de bekrachtiging en de registratie van de door het Bureau voor normalisatie openbaar gemaakte normen, kondigt dit Bureau de registratie aan van de hierna volgende Belgische normen: NBN EN 1175:2020 Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical/electronic requirements vervangt NBN EN 1175-1+A1:2010 (2e uitgave), NBN EN 1175-2+A1:2010 (2e uitgave), NBN EN 1175-3+A1:2010 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 12312-3:2017+A1:2020 Aircraft ground support equipment - Specific requirements - Part 3: Conveyor belt vehicles vervangt NBN EN 12312-3:2017 NBN EN 1273:2020 Child care articles - Baby walking frames - Safety requirements and test methods vervangt NBN EN 1273:2005 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 13094:2020 Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods - Metallic gravity-discharge tanks - Design and construction vervangt NBN EN 13094:2015 (3e uitgave) NBN EN 1332-3:2020 Identification card systems - User Interface - Part 3: Key pads vervangt NBN EN 1332-3:2009 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 13715:2020 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Wheels - Tread profile vervangt NBN EN 13715+A1:2010 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 13979-1:2020 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Monobloc Wheels - Technical approval procedure - Part 1: Forged and rolled wheels vervangt NBN EN 13979-1+A2:2011 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 14628-1:2020 Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories - Requirements and test methods - Part 1: PE coatings vervangt NBN EN 14628:2006 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 15328:2020 Railway applications - Braking - Brake pads NBN EN 16157-5:2020 Intelligent transport systems - DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information - Part 5: Measured and elaborated data publications NBN EN 16303:2020 Road restraint systems - Validation and verification process for the use of virtual testing in crash testing against vehicle restraint system NBN EN 16516:2017+A1:2020 Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Determination of emissions into indoor air vervangt NBN EN 16516:2017 NBN EN 16808:2020 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Safety of machineries - Manual elevators NBN EN 16931-1:2017+A1:2019/AC:2020 Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice NBN EN 17285:2020 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measuring of door audible warnings NBN EN 17322:2020 Environmental Solid Matrices - Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) by gas chromatography - mass selective detection (GC-MS) or electron-capture detection (GC-ECD) vervangt NBN EN 15308:2016 NBN EN 17350:2020 SCM - Scheduling and Commanding Message - Standard NBN EN 17355:2020 Railway applications - Communication device for urban rail - System requirements NBN EN 17371-3:2020 Provision of services - Part 3: Management of Performance Measurement - Guidance on the mechanism to measure performance as part of service contracts NBN EN 17375:2020 Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids - Reference e-liquids NBN EN 17414-1:2020 District cooling pipes - Factory made flexible pipe systems - Part 1: Classification, general requirements and test methods NBN EN 17414-2:2020 District cooling pipes - Factory made flexible pipe systems - Part 2: Bonded system with plastic service pipes;requirements and test methods NBN EN 17414-3:2020 District cooling pipes - Factory made flexible pipe systems - Part 3: Non bonded system with plastic service pipes; requirements and test methods NBN EN 17415-1:2020 District cooling pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried cold water networks - Part 1: Factory made pipe assembly of steel or plastic service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene NBN EN 1745:2020 Masonry and masonry products - Methods for determining thermal properties vervangt NBN EN 1745:2012 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 301 545-2:2020 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Second Generation DVB Interactive Satellite System (DVB-RCS2); Part 2: Lower Layers for Satellite standard NBN EN 303 648:2020 Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Radio Equipment (RE) reconfiguration architecture NBN EN 319 412-2:2020 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Certificate Profiles;

Part 2: Certificate profile for certificates issued to natural persons NBN EN 319 412-3:2020 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Certificate Profiles;

Part 3: Certificate profile for certificates issued to legal persons NBN EN 4234:2020 Aerospace series - Clamps, worm drive - Dimensions, masses vervangt NBN EN 4234:2015 (3e uitgave) NBN EN 45545-2:2020 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles - Part 2: Requirements for fire behavior of materials and components vervangt NBN EN 45545-2+A1:2015 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 45553:2020 General method for the assessment of the ability to remanufacture energy-related products NBN EN 469:2020 Protective clothing for firefighters - Performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting activities vervangt NBN EN 469:2006 (2e uitgave), NBN EN 469/A1:2007 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50128:2011/A2:2020 Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Software for railway control and protection systems NBN EN 50600-4-6:2020 Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures - Part 4-6: Energy Reuse Factor NBN EN 62788-1-6:2017/A1:2020 Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules - Part 1-6: Encapsulants - Test methods for determining the degree of cure in Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate NBN EN 81-72:2020 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts - Part 72: Firefighters lifts vervangt NBN EN 81-72:2015 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 81-73:2020 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts - Part 73: Behaviour of lifts in the event of fire vervangt NBN EN 81-73:2016 NBN EN IEC 60034-3:2020 Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for synchronous generators driven by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines and for synchronous compensators NBN EN IEC 60045-1:2020 Steam turbines - Part 1: Specifications NBN EN IEC 60317-0-2:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-2: General requirements - Enamelled rectangular copper wire NBN EN IEC 60317-12:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 12: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled round copper wire, class 120 NBN EN IEC 60317-17:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 17: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 105 NBN EN IEC 60317-18:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 18: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 120 NBN EN IEC 60317-25:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 25: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire, class 200 NBN EN IEC 60317-27-1:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 27-1: Paper tape covered round copper wire NBN EN IEC 60317-27-2:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 27-2: Paper tape covered round aluminium wire NBN EN IEC 60317-27-4:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 27-4: Paper tape covered rectangular aluminium wire NBN EN IEC 60317-62:2020 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 62: Polyester glass-fibre wound, silicone resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 200 NBN EN IEC 60352-4:2020 Solderless connections - Part 4: Non-accessible insulation displacement (ID) connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance NBN EN IEC 60512-9-5:2020 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-5: Endurance tests - Test 9e: Current loading, cyclic NBN EN IEC 60664-1:2020 Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage supply systems - Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests NBN EN IEC 61169-61:2020 Radio-frequency connectors - Part 61: Sectional specification for RF coaxial connectors with 9,5 mm inner diameter of outer conductor, quick lock coupling, series Q4.1-9.5 NBN EN IEC 61169-63:2020 Radio-frequency connectors - Part 63: Sectional specification - RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 6,5 mm (0,256 in) with bayonet lock - Characteristic impedance 75 ohms (type BNC75) NBN EN IEC 61591:2020 Cooking fume extractors - Methods for measuring performance NBN EN IEC 61591:2020/A11:2020 Cooking fume extractors - Methods for measuring performance NBN EN IEC 61969-3:2020 Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 3: Environmental requirements, tests and safety aspects NBN EN IEC 62433-1:2019/AC:2020-07 EMC IC modelling - Part 1: General modelling framework NBN EN IEC 62541-13:2020 OPC Unified Architecture - Part 13: Aggregates NBN EN IEC 62645:2020 Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems - Cybersecurity requirements NBN EN IEC 62938:2020 Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Non-uniform snow load testing NBN EN IEC 63045:2020 Ultrasonics - Non-focusing short pressure pulse sources including ballistic pressure pulse sources - Characteristics of fields NBN EN IEC 63181-2:2020 LCD multi-screen display terminals - Part 2: Measuring methods NBN EN IEC 63182-1:2020 Magnetic powder cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 1: General specification NBN EN ISO 10893-9:2011/A1:2020 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 9: Automated ultrasonic testing for the detection of laminar imperfections in strip/plate used for the manufacture of welded steel tubes - Amendment 1: Change acceptance criteria (ISO 10893-9:2011/Amd 1:2020) NBN EN ISO 11961:2018/A1:2020 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel drill pipe - Amendment 1 (ISO 11961:2018/Amd 1:2020) NBN EN ISO 13017:2020 Dentistry - Magnetic attachments (ISO 13017:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 13017:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 13259:2020 Thermoplastics piping systems for underground non-pressure applications - Test method for leaktightness of elastomeric sealing ring type joints (ISO 13259:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 13259:2018 NBN EN ISO 14007:2020 Environmental management - Guidelines for determining environmental costs and benefits (ISO 14007:2019) NBN EN ISO 14008:2020 Monetary valuation of environmental impacts and related environmental aspects (ISO 14008:2019) NBN EN ISO 1524:2020 Paints, varnishes and printing inks - Determination of fineness of grind (ISO 1524:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 1524:2013 (4e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 1628-2:2020 Plastics - Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers - Part 2: Poly(vinyl chloride) resins (ISO 1628-2:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 1628-2:1999 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 1833-25:2020 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 25: Mixtures of polyester with certain other fibres (method using trichloroacetic acid and chloroform) (ISO 1833-25:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 1833-25:2013 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 18674-4:2020 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Geotechnical monitoring by field instrumentation - Part 4: Measurement of pore water pressure: Piezometers (ISO 18674-4:2020) NBN EN ISO 20136:2020 Leather - Determination of degradability by micro-organisms (ISO 20136:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 20136:2017 NBN EN ISO 20785-1:2020 Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft - Part 1: Conceptual basis for measurements (ISO 20785-1:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 20785-1:2017 NBN EN ISO 20785-2:2020 Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft - Part 2: Characterization of instrument response (ISO 20785-2:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 20785-2:2017 NBN EN ISO 23208:2019/A1:2020 Cryogenic vessels - Cleanliness for cryogenic service - Amendment 1 (ISO 23208:2017/Amd 1:2020) NBN EN ISO 23325:2020 Dentistry - Corrosion resistance of dental amalgam (ISO 23325:2020) NBN EN ISO 23387:2020 Building information modelling (BIM) - Data templates for construction objects used in the life cycle of built assets - Concepts and principles (ISO 23387:2020) NBN EN ISO 25239-1:2020 Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 25239-1:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 25239-1:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 25239-2:2020 Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 2: Design of weld joints (ISO 25239-2:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 25239-2:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 25239-3:2020 Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 3: Qualification of welding operators (ISO 25239-3:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 25239-3:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 25239-4:2020 Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 4: Specification and qualification of welding procedures (ISO 25239-4:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 25239-4:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 25239-5:2020 Friction stir welding - Aluminium - Part 5: Quality and inspection requirements (ISO 25239-5:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 25239-5:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 294-3:2020 Plastics - Injection moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials - Part 3: Small plates (ISO 294-3:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 294-3:2003 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 4499-1:2020 Hardmetals - Metallographic determination of microstructure - Part 1: Photomicrographs and description (ISO 4499-1:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 4499-1:2010 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 4499-2:2020 Hardmetals - Metallographic determination of microstructure - Part 2: Measurement of WC grain size (ISO 4499-2:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 4499-2:2010 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 4947:2020 Steel and cast iron - Determination of vanadium content - Potentiometric titration method (ISO 4947:2020) vervangt NBN EN 24947:1992 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 5165:2020 Petroleum products - Determination of the ignition quality of diesel fuels - Cetane engine method (ISO 5165:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 5165:2018 NBN EN ISO 8031:2020 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Determination of electrical resistance and conductivity (ISO 8031:2020) vervangt NBN EN ISO 8031:2009 (3e uitgave) NBN ISO 11050:2020 Wheat flour and durum wheat semolina - Determination of impurities of animal origin NBN ISO 11452-4:2020 Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 4: Harness excitation methods NBN ISO 11665-4:2020 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Air: radon222 - Part 4: Integrated measurement method for determining average activity concentration using passive sampling and delayed analysis NBN ISO 11711-1:2020 Ships and marine technology - Aquatic nuisance species - Part 1: Ballast water discharge sample port NBN ISO 11845:2020 Corrosion of metals and alloys - General principles for corrosion testing NBN ISO 12353-1:2020 Road vehicles - Traffic accident analysis - Part 1: Vocabulary NBN ISO 13276:2020 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of nicotine purity - Gravimetric method using tungstosilicic acid NBN ISO 13320:2020 Particle size analysis - Laser diffraction methods NBN ISO 14016:2020 Environmental management - Guidelines on the assurance of environmental reports NBN ISO 14229-1:2020 Road vehicles - Unified diagnostic services (UDS) - Part 1: Application layer NBN ISO 14229-8:2020 Road vehicles - Unified diagnostic services (UDS) - Part 8: UDS on Clock eXtension Peripheral Interface (UDSonCXPI) NBN ISO 15093:2020 Jewellery and precious metals - Determination of high purity gold, platinum and palladium - Difference method using ICP-OES NBN ISO 15096:2020 Jewellery and precious metals - Determination of high purity silver - Difference method using ICP-OES NBN ISO 16217:2020 Cosmetics - Sun protection test methods - Water immersion procedure for determining water resistance NBN ISO 16638-2:2020 Radiological protection - Monitoring and internal dosimetry for specific materials - Part 2: Ingestion of uranium compounds NBN ISO 16684-1:2020 Graphic technology - Extensible metadata platform (XMP) - Part 1: Data model, serialization and core properties NBN ISO 16836:2020 Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission testing - Measurement method for acoustic emission signals in concrete NBN ISO 16837:2020 Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission testing - Test method for damage qualification of reinforced concrete beams NBN ISO 16838:2020 Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission testing - Test method for classification of active cracks in concrete structures NBN ISO 17089-1:2020 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Ultrasonic meters for gas - Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and allocation measurement NBN ISO 17410:2020 Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the enumeration of psychrotrophic microorganisms NBN ISO 17536-4:2020 Road Vehicles - Aerosol separator performance test for internal combustion engines - Part 4: Laboratory fractional efficiency test method NBN ISO 17616:2020 Soil quality - Guidance on the choice and evaluation of bioassays for ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials NBN ISO 17987-8:2020 Road vehicles - Local Interconnect Network (LIN) - Part 8: Electrical physical layer (EPL) specification: LIN over DC powerline (DC-LIN) NBN ISO 17995:2020 Water quality - Detection and enumeration of thermotolerant Campylobacter spp NBN ISO 18195:2020 Method for the justification of fire partitioning in water cooled nuclear power plants (NPP) NBN ISO 18256-1:2020 Nuclear fuel technology - Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing materials - Part 1: Dissolution of plutonium dioxide powders NBN ISO 18256-2:2020 Nuclear fuel technology - Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing materials - Part 2: Dissolution of MOX pellets and powders NBN ISO 18589-1:2020 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Soil - Part 1: General guidelines and definitions NBN ISO 18589-4:2020 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Soil - Part 4: Plutonium 238 and plutonium 239 + 240 - Test method using alpha spectrometry NBN ISO 18589-5:2020 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Soil - Part 5: Strontium 90 - Test method using proportional counting or liquid scintillation counting NBN ISO 18589-6:2020 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Soil - Part 6: Gross alpha and gross beta activities - Test method using gas-flow proportional counting NBN ISO 18669-2:2020 Internal combustion engines - Piston pins - Part 2: Inspection measuring principles NBN ISO 18747-2:2020 Determination of particle density by sedimentation methods - Part 2: Multi-velocity approach NBN ISO 18807:2020 Tyres and rims for logging and forestry service NBN ISO 18937:2020 Imaging materials - Photographic reflection prints - Methods for measuring indoor light stability NBN ISO 18949:2020 Imaging materials - Reflection colour photographic prints - Method for testing stability under low humidity conditions NBN ISO 19037:2020 Ships and marine technology - Gate valves for use in low temperature applications - Design and testing requirements NBN ISO 19072-1:2020 Road vehicles - Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections - Part 1: Pocket interface definition NBN ISO 19072-2:2020 Road vehicles - Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections - Part 2: Test methods and general performance requirements NBN ISO 19072-4:2020 Road vehicles - Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections - Part 4: Pyrotechnic device and harness connector assembly - type 2 NBN ISO 19229:2020 Gas analysis - Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data NBN ISO 19301:2020 Graphic technology - Guidelines for schema writers - Template for colour quality management NBN ISO 19380:2020 Heavy commercial vehicles and buses - Centre of gravity measurements - Axle lift, tilt-table and stable pendulum test methods NBN ISO 19427:2020 Steel wire ropes - Pre-fabricated parallel wire strands for suspension bridge main cable - Specifications NBN ISO 19444-1:2020 Document management - XML Forms Data Format - Part 1: Use of ISO 32000-2 (XFDF 3.0) NBN ISO 19585:2020 Heavy commercial vehicles and buses - Vehicle dynamics simulation and validation - Steady-state circular driving behavior NBN ISO 19586:2020 Heavy commercial vehicles and buses - Vehicle dynamics simulation and validation - Lateral dynamic stability of vehicle combinations NBN ISO 19642-1:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 1: Vocabulary and design guidelines NBN ISO 19642-10:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 10: Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core aluminium conductor cables NBN ISO 19642-2:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 2: Test methods NBN ISO 19642-3:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 3: Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a.c. or 60 V d.c. single core copper conductor cables NBN ISO 19642-4:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 4: Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a.c. and 60 V d.c. single core aluminium conductor cables NBN ISO 19642-5:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 5: Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. single core copper conductor cables NBN ISO 19642-6:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 6: Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. single core aluminium conductor cables NBN ISO 19642-7:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 7: Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a.c. or 60 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core copper conductor cables NBN ISO 19642-8:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 8: Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a.c. or 60 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core aluminium conductor cables NBN ISO 19642-9:2020 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 9: Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core copper conductor cables NBN ISO 19880-5:2020 Gaseous hydrogen - Fuelling stations - Part 5: Dispenser hoses and hose assemblies NBN ISO 19897:2020 Ships and marine technology - Marine evacuation systems - Testing under conditions of icing NBN ISO 19898:2020 Ships and marine technology - Life-saving appliances and arrangements - Means of recovery of persons NBN ISO 19912:2020 Ships and marine technology - Servicing of immersion suits, anti-exposure suits and constant wear suits NBN ISO 20031:2020 Radiological protection - Monitoring and dosimetry for internal exposures due to wound contamination with radionuclides NBN ISO 20042:2020 Measurement of radioactivity - Gamma-ray emitting radionuclides - Generic test method using gamma-ray spectrometry NBN ISO 20046:2020 Radiological protection - Performance criteria for laboratories using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) translocation assay for assessment of exposure to ionizing radiation NBN ISO 20076:2020 Road vehicles - Test methods and performance requirements for voltage class B connectors NBN ISO 20080:2020 Road vehicles - Information for remote diagnostic support - General requirements, definitions and use cases NBN ISO 20193:2020 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of the width of the strands of cut tobacco NBN ISO 20228:2020 Interpreting services - Legal interpreting - Requirements NBN ISO 20391-2:2020 Biotechnology - Cell counting - Part 2: Experimental design and statistical analysis to quantify counting method performance NBN ISO 20395:2020 Biotechnology - Requirements for evaluating the performance of quantification methods for nucleic acid target sequences - qPCR and dPCR NBN ISO 20539:2020 Translation, interpreting and related technology - Vocabulary NBN ISO 20574:2020 Road vehicles - Durability test method for starter motor for stop and start system NBN ISO 20602:2020 Ships and marine technology - Check valves for use in low temperature applications - Design and testing requirements NBN ISO 20616-2:2020 Graphic technology - File format for quality control and metadata - Part 2: Print Quality eXchange (PQX) NBN ISO 20661:2020 Ships and marine technology - Cutter suction dredger supervisory and control systems NBN ISO 20662:2020 Ships and marine technology - Hopper dredger supervisory and control systems NBN ISO 20663:2020 Ships and marine technology - Grab dredger supervisory and control systems NBN ISO 20674-1:2020 Information and documentation - Transliteration of scripts in use in Thailand - Part 1: Transliteration of Akson-Thai-Noi NBN ISO 20675:2020 Biogas - Biogas production, conditioning, upgrading and utilization - Terms, definitions and classification scheme NBN ISO 20677:2020 Image technology colour management - Extensions to architecture, profile format and data structure NBN ISO 20688-1:2020 Biotechnology - Nucleic acid synthesis - Part 1: Requirements for the production and quality control of synthesized oligonucleotides NBN ISO 20690:2020 Graphic technology - Determination of the operating power consumption of digital printing devices NBN ISO 20702:2020 Fertilizers and soil conditioners - Determination of microamounts of inorganic anions in fertilizers by ion chromatography NBN ISO 20762:2020 Electrically propelled road vehicles - Determination of power for propulsion of hybrid electric vehicle NBN ISO 20766-10:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 10: Gas-tight housing NBN ISO 20766-11:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 11: Manual shut-off valve NBN ISO 20766-12:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 12: Non-return valve NBN ISO 20766-18:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 18: Hose NBN ISO 20766-20:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 20: Filter unit NBN ISO 20766-3:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 3: 80% stop valve NBN ISO 20766-4:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel system components - Part 4: Level indicator NBN ISO 20766-6:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 6: Pressure relief valves (PRV) NBN ISO 20766-9:2020 Road vehicles - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components - Part 9: Pressure relieve device (PRD) NBN ISO 20771:2020 Legal translation - Requirements NBN ISO 20778:2020 Cigarettes - Routine analytical cigarette smoking machine - Definitions and standard conditions with an intense smoking regime NBN ISO 20779:2018/A1:2020 Cigarettes - Generation and collection of total particulate matter using a routine analytical smoking machine with an intense smoking regime - Amendment 1 NBN ISO 20779:2020 Cigarettes - Generation and collection of total particulate matter using a routine analytical smoking machine with an intense smoking regime NBN ISO 20785-4:2020 Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft - Part 4: Validation of codes NBN ISO 20794-2:2020 Road vehicles - Clock extension peripheral interface (CXPI) - Part 2: Application layer NBN ISO 20794-3:2020 Road vehicles - Clock extension peripheral interface (CXPI) - Part 3: Transport and network layer NBN ISO 20794-4:2020 Road vehicles - Clock extension peripheral interface (CXPI) - Part 4: Data link layer and physical layer NBN ISO 20813:2020 Molecular biomarker analysis - Methods of analysis for the detection and identification of animal species in foods and food products (nucleic acid-based methods) - General requirements and definitions NBN ISO 20899:2020 Water quality - Plutonium and neptunium - Test method using ICP-MS NBN ISO 20909:2020 Radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags NBN ISO 20910:2020 Coding for radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags NBN ISO 20911:2020 Radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags - Tyre attachment classification NBN ISO 20912:2020 Conformance test methods for RFID enabled tyres NBN ISO 20934:2020 Road vehicles - Fuse-links with axial terminals for use in 48V networks - Types SF36-70V, SF51-70V and SF56-70V NBN ISO 21262:2020 Industrial trucks - Safety rules for application, operation and maintenance NBN ISO 21446:2020 Infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of trans and total (cis + trans) vitamin K1 content - Normal phase HPLC NBN ISO 22483:2020 Tourism and related services - Hotels - Service requirements NBN ISO 22915-15:2020 Industrial trucks - Verification of stability - Part 15: Counterbalanced trucks with articulated steering NBN ISO 23291:2020 Milk and milk products - Guidelines for the application of in-line and on-line infrared spectrometry NBN ISO 23293:2020 Milk-based infant formula powders - Quantification of whey protein content by sodium dodecyl sulfate-capillary gel electrophoresis (SDS-CGE) NBN ISO 23305:2020 Fortified milk powders, infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of total biotin by liquid chromatography coupled with immunoaffinity column clean-up extraction NBN ISO 23919:2020 Cigarettes - Determination of ammonia in cigarette mainstream smoke using ion chromatography NBN ISO 24409-1:2020 Ships and marine technology - Design, location and use of shipboard safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety notices and safety markings - Part 1: Design principles NBN ISO 2493-2:2020 Paper and board - Determination of resistance to bending - Part 2: Taber-type tester NBN ISO 2859-2:2020 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection vervangt NBN ISO 2859-2:1993 (2e uitgave) NBN ISO 2904:2020 ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads - Basic dimensions NBN ISO 29383:2020 Terminology policies - Development and implementation NBN ISO 30300:2020 Information and documentation - Records management - Core concepts and vocabulary vervangt NBN ISO 30300:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 39002:2020 Road traffic safety - Good practices for implementing commuting safety management NBN ISO 4874:2020 Tobacco - Sampling of batches of raw material - General principles NBN ISO 5725-2:2020 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method vervangt NBN ISO 5725-2:1996 (3e uitgave) NBN ISO 5725-4:2020 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 4: Basic methods for the determination of the trueness of a standard measurement method vervangt NBN ISO 5725-4:1996 (3e uitgave) NBN ISO 6292:2020 Powered industrial trucks and tractors - Brake performance and component strength NBN ISO 6370-2:2020 Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of the resistance to abrasion - Part 2: Loss in mass after sub-surface abrasion NBN ISO 6588-1:2020 Paper, board and pulps - Determination of pH of aqueous extracts - Part 1: Cold extraction NBN ISO 6588-2:2020 Paper, board and pulps - Determination of pH of aqueous extracts - Part 2: Hot extraction NBN ISO 6621-2:2020 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 2: Inspection measuring principles NBN ISO 6621-5:2020 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 5: Quality requirements NBN ISO 685:2020 Analysis of soaps - Determination of total alkali content and total fatty matter content vervangt NBN T 63-187:1980 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 7870-7:2020 Control charts - Part 7: Multivariate control charts NBN ISO 8791-5:2020 Paper and board - Determination of roughness/smoothness (air leak methods) - Part 5: Oken method NBN ISO 8820-12:2020 Road vehicles - Fuse-links - Part 12: Fuse-links with tabs (blade type) Type N (sub miniature) NBN ISO 8820-13:2020 Road vehicles - Fuse-links - Part 13: Fuse-links with tabs (blade type) Type P (sub miniature three tabs) NBN ISO 9021:2020 Motorcycles and mopeds - Controls - Types, positions and functions NBN ISO/TR 20693:2020 Statistical methods for implementation of Six Sigma - Selected illustrations of distribution identification studies NBN ISO/TR 20694:2020 A typology of language registers 2. De normen afgeleid van de Europese normen (EN) zijn in principe beschikbaar in het Engels, het Frans en het Duits;de normen afgeleid van de internationale normen (ISO) zijn in principe beschikbaar in het Engels en in het Frans. 3. Deze normen zijn verkrijgbaar bij het Bureau voor normalisatie, Jozef II-straat 40 bus 6, 1000 Brussel, tegen betaling van hun prijs. 4. De registratie van de volgende Belgische normen wordt ingetrokken: NBN CR 14244:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN CR 213:1984 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50360/A1:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50360:2001 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50380:2003 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50384:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50385:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50401/A1:2011 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50401:2007 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50566/AC:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50566:2013 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 60146-1-3:1995 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 60400/A1:2011 (7e uitgave) NBN EN 60400/A2:2014 (7e uitgave) NBN EN 60400:2009 (7e uitgave) NBN EN 60695-11-2:2014 (3e uitgave) NBN EN 60747-5-1/A1:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 60747-5-1/A2:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 60747-5-1:2001 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 61057:1996 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 62561-3:2012 (2e uitgave) NBN ENV 12140:1996 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 12141:1996 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 12142:1996 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 12313-4:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 12443:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 12612:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 12796:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 13004:1999 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 13070:1998 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 13093:1998 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 13609-2:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 13730-1:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 14062-1:2001 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 14062-2:2001 (1e uitgave)
